87-year-old Tony wins TGA Minimo and future proofs freedom

Tony Purchase, 87 from Bookham near Leatherhead, has been presented with his winning Minimo mobility scooter following a successful entry to TGA’s latest newsletter and Facebook competition.

Before retirement Tony was a successful retail development manager at Sainsbury’s for over 40 years. He now appreciates his free time however lives alone after losing his wife last year – resulting in a greater need to remain independent for as long as possible. Tony can still drive his car safely however he anticipates in the future he will need another way of remaining mobile. He lives in a picturesque part of Surrey and regularly visits National Trust sites however walking longer distances is now not possible. Hence he decided to enter the TGA Minimo competition for a chance of winning the latest folding mobility scooter.  

The Minimo is a lightweight compact scooter that is designed for maximum transportability and can be stored in a car boot. Folded quickly in one simple movement the Minimo is also ideal for use on airplanes, buses, coaches, trains and boats.  On receipt of his winning news Tony was ‘absolutely delighted’ and ‘couldn’t wait to get out and about.’

Tony elaborates: “Since losing my wife I am having to readjust my life, this is where my new TGA Minimo comes in. I am still driving my Honda Jazz however there will be a time when its best for me to stop and rely on my new scooter. I have already used my scooter to access the village and I intend to try and get about to see my friends more. I have a female friend who is 93 so when we go out for a walk together we will take turns on the scooter. I’m having a hoist fitted to my car so I can get the Minimo in the boot with no lifting at all as I have neck and shoulder problems. I can then take my Minimo with me on days out. As my friends are all now struggling with their mobility, it’s so important for me to be able to get out on my own to stay in touch with them. Thank you TGA for my fabulous prize.”

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