Powerchair footballer Adam Yuill, 19, from Newbury in Berkshire is seeking to fulfil a dream by ‘wing walking’ on an aeroplane for charity despite having Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and being dependent on an Etac Balder powerchair.

Adam is a lively teenager with three older brothers and a sister who is currently studying for a Film Production and Direction Diploma at Newbury College. He currently lives with his parents Tony and Ruth who support and care for him as Adam has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which is a life-limiting, muscle wasting condition that severely reduces mobility. To remain mobile Adam uses a cutting edge, Scandinavian Etac Balder powerchair that was kindly donated to him three years ago by the Caudwell Children’s charity. This powerchair allows Adam to move around freely at home and college, travel in the car and achieve multiple positions for improved comfort and easier transfers. He is determined to attempt a ‘wing walk’ to raise funds for this charity to say thanks for the donation and to help fellow disabled individuals, however health and safety issues are preventing him from fulfilling his dream. Adam is desperate to hear from any aerial acrobatic company who could help him achieve his goal.

Adam’s wing walk would also raise funds for The Muscle Help Foundation which organised an all expenses paid trip, to the 2012 Paralympics in London for both him and his father, Tony Yuill. Tony explains: “Adam is really keen to begin planning and organising his charity wing walk however the issue of health and safety has halted his dream. Adam needs to be safe whilst completing this challenge, but surely there is a flying school out there that could help? They would also be assisting with raising desperately needed funds for both Caudwell Children and The Muscle Help Foundation at the same time, we’d be over the moon to hear from them!”

Tony continues: “He has already raised over £1,000 for Caudwell when he completed a tandem sky dive 18 months ago but still feels this is not enough and wants to do more for the charity. He also wants to raise funds for the fantastic Muscle Help Foundation co-founded by the inspirational, Paralympic torch-bearing Michael McGrath who also owns an Etac powerchair. We were so thrilled to be awarded one of the 75 places on the ‘Games Inspired Muscle Dreams’ programme at the Paralympics – it was such a memorable experience that we will never forget. Adam met younger individuals with Muscular Dystrophy during this event and this has encouraged him to help people in a similar situation. We do hope someone can turn his dream into a reality.”

Adam has played powerchair football for two years in the Premiership division and his team, the Aston Villa Rockets, is based in Erdington, Birmingham. He was previously top goal scorer for Gillingham before transferring and his Dad is currently a coach at Villa. Tony is currently helping to push for the sport to become a Paralympic event, which might become a reality at the 2020 Games as there is no competition specifically for powerchair users.

Picture caption:

1. Adam Yuill seeks a specialist aerobatics company that can help him realise his dream of wing walking for charity. Adam is pictured here with his father, Tony Yuill, in London Docklands preparing to visit the Olympic Park during the ‘Games Inspired Muscle Dream’s Paralympics programme.


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