Following on from last week’s discussion about foldable ramps for wheelchair users, we can go one further this week. Instead of working wheelchairs around the obstacles that are steps, these designs temporarily remove them as if by magic.

We wish to thank bespoken member Sylvia Reynolds who first put us on to the following.


First up we have the Flexstep Disabled Platform Lift from DDA Lifts


At this point you might be thinking “that’s all very well if you want to install shiny new modern steps. What about old fashioned buildings and Georgian style townhouses and the likes?”

Well the Tate Stairlift 1068 is unusual in that it manages to incorporate a high tech adaptation into a very old building without harming the period look. Until it is put to use of course.


And lastly we have this one. We’re still trying to find out its name but we do know that it is installed, very appropriately, outside the institution of Civil Engineers in London. If you happen to live nearby and can think of a good excuse to visit said building, try it out and let us know how it worked for you.


If you happen to see or hear of any adaptations that would interest the bespoken community, feel free to let us know at But remember also that members can post things personally if they wish, simply by signing into their bespoken account and going to the forums section.


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