All Blog Posts (478)   Hi All, Due to my mobility I can't setup the quipment for my my talk and slideshow presentations I am looking for a volunteer to help set up presentation and …


Hi All,

Due to my mobility I can't setup the quipment for my my talk and slideshow presentations

I am looking for a volunteer to help set up presentation and sound equipment for... my talk and slideshow presentations on Thursday 1st…


Added by Les Fernie on February 28, 2012 at 13:53 — No Comments

Talking Tin Lids

Essential Items: Talking Tin Lids

You can use your Talking Tin Lid on any food container

If you have a visual disability, then having your kitchen set up in the right way is essential to avoid the many risks that could occur. The RNIB and other charities work tirelessly to provide gadgets and inventions which can make the kitchen a safer place and somewhere you can…


Added by Duncan Edwards on December 20, 2011 at 15:57 — No Comments

You be the judge: Is Clara guilty?


In the wake of the verdict against Timothy Crook, I must ask: Was he guilty? Did he act alone?

I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that if help from the appropriate authority is requested and denied,that authority should be accountable. Timothy did not need to be guilty.

“From what we do know from the evidence from the case and the documents, it appears to me that the appropriate authorities should stand back, look at this case to see whether something did go…


Added by Linda Jane McLean on November 24, 2011 at 15:20 — No Comments

Teaching Prawns to Whistle


"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which they were created" (Albert Einstein)


This is a true story - but names have been changed. 

Born in Hong Kong to Scottish parents in 1946, Peter was destined never to see his father, who died in combat in the final stages of World War. The next disaster to occur was that he contracted polio before he was a year old. His widowed mother returned to Scotland, to give her…


Added by Linda Jane McLean on October 24, 2011 at 14:30 — No Comments

Jeans for wheelchair users

Jeans for Wheelchair Users - a special cut and design is one of our favourite small businesses and that is not just because they were one of the first online retailers to sell trabasack ;-)

Guy at provides a free place online for people to buy and sell 2nd hand disability equipment.… Continue

Added by Duncan Edwards on October 22, 2011 at 10:34 — No Comments

Trabasack at Naidex South

We will be at Naidex South this week, please come and say hello. I will be on the stand C33 helping Guy and selling many trabasacks!


Here is our press release:

Trabasack and partner at NAIDEXSOUTH Stand C33

This year Trabasack, the innovative wheelchair lap tray and bag can be found exhibiting and promoting their products at Naidex South International Trade show at the London Excel Centre. Wednesday 19th Oct:10.00am -…


Added by Duncan Edwards on October 17, 2011 at 12:32 — No Comments

bespoken gets political support

LiamMcArthur, MSP for Orkney Islands, has sponsored a motion in the Scottish Parliament to promote and commend the work that is being done with bespoken to place people at the heart of the design process and enhance independent living.

See more below...…

Added by David Jarrold on October 7, 2011 at 10:52 — No Comments


icook is a cooking aid for young adults (16-25) with mild to moderate learning difficulties that encourages them to prepare healthy meals independently. Cooking is a life skills; without this skill people with learning difficulties can rely heavily on carers for support. 

The product breaks the process of cooking into very simple stages that support the user throughout the whole experience of cooking a meal, from preparing the ingredients, to washing the dishes. icook…


Added by Emma Harris on October 6, 2011 at 18:47 — No Comments



Recently, I was told of a disabled man in an electric wheelchair in Edinburgh. While out shopping, he was accosted by two twelve-year-old boys, who switched off the power to his chair and pushed him in front of the traffic in a busy street. I was astonished and horrified.

As a drama, however, it makes the point.

It encapsulates how people with disabilities are treated day and daily throughout society. Their motivation is…


Added by Linda Jane McLean on September 16, 2011 at 17:13 — No Comments

I Am What I Am


The elderly man stood up and began to read from his notes. He told a roomful of people that he had been diagnosed with early onset dementia ten years ago.

He related the havoc the initial…


Added by Linda Jane McLean on September 14, 2011 at 22:25 — No Comments

Hacking a Kindle

Making an accessible Kindle: The Frankenkindle

The Amazon Kindle is one of the many pieces of kit in the market which are fantastically popular and have revolutionised one of the world’s most popular past times: reading. However, using this eBook reader can be particularly difficult if you have ataxia, a movement disorder or perhaps difficulties with your fine motor skills. So there are lots of people interested in looking for ways of making a more accessible kindle. This was the case… Continue

Added by Duncan Edwards on September 1, 2011 at 16:24 — No Comments


The good news is that we're now living longer than ever before. But it also means there are more of us living with health problems, one of the most rapidly increasing of which is dementia.

There are already over 750,000 people in the UK with dementia, a number that’s…


Added by Filiz on August 24, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

New adapted controller from the Ablegamers working with Hardware company Evil Controllers

Ablegamers and Evil Controller unveil new controller: The Adroit Switchblade


Hot news from our favourite US charity The Ablegamers Foundation, they have a teamed up with the awesome Evil Controllers to launch a brand new controller at the annual…


Added by Duncan Edwards on August 16, 2011 at 22:10 — 1 Comment

Trabasack: reviewed by Kate Ahern: a teacher of pupils with significant special needs

Trabasack: reviewed by Kate Ahern: a teacher of pupils with significant special needs

Trabasack’s reputation is growing and as more and more are sold, the reviews are coming in thick and fast and spreading across the blogosphere. One such review is Kate Ahern who blogs at Teaching Learners with Multiple Special…


Added by Duncan Edwards on August 15, 2011 at 14:33 — No Comments

The Wonderfully Versatile Knork

The wonderfully versatile knork – the perfect eating utensil

Knorks are hardwearing stainless steel

Have you heard of knorks? Up until recently I hadn’t but in fact it’s a piece of cutlery that’s existed for over two hundred years! Famous users included Horatio…


Added by Duncan Edwards on August 4, 2011 at 22:30 — No Comments

Communication apps for iPads

Here a few iPad apps that are particularly useful for communication.

We select a few communication apps for the iPad below. There are plenty of iPad apps out there designed for children and adults with disabilities and some of them are absolutely fantastic and can really change the quality of life for their users. Here is a compilation of some of the apps currently on the market:…


Added by Duncan Edwards on August 3, 2011 at 14:00 — No Comments

Trabasack: a testimonial from one of our first customers

Trabasack: a testimonial from one of our first customers

On YouTube you’ll find a video from Dr. Mark Edworthy who was one of our first customers to buy the Trabasack back in 2009. In this video Mark discusses exactly how useful his Trabasack has been and exactly why he “would be lost without it”.…


Added by Duncan Edwards on August 2, 2011 at 14:27 — No Comments

Adventures with a Wheelchair



Shand was feeling bored.…


Added by Linda Jane McLean on November 30, 1999 at 12:00 — No Comments

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