Flupper is an alternative system to lifts and stairs, with a vertical assisted movement, powered by a human. This elevator is moved by the user's legs and arms, while they remain sitting.
The system was development by James Dyson Innovation Fellow of the Royal College of Art, Rombout Frieling, who is an MA graduate of the Industrial Design Engineering programme at the same institution. His work was carried out in collaboration with the bio dynamics department at Imperial College and Charing Cross Hospital, according to the RCA’s website.
The idea is that the system helps people who are unable to use stairs. Rombout Frieling explains that it requires the user to exert less than a fifth of the effort that would be needed to walk up stairs. They talk about only 10 percent of the effort compared with stairs.
In Frieling's own words - "…using the Flupper system allows the user to be supported throughout and involves the user shifting his/her weight between a footplate and seat, both of which use the captured potential kinetic energy created by the system during a descent, in order to propel the user upwards in an ascent".
Flupper, also called vertical walking, needs less than one square meter and doesn't need any electricity power. The system was finalist in the BraunPrize 2009.
I don't think this is available on the market yet, but I thought it would be interesting to hear what people thought of it at any rate.
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Hi Helen,
I know what you mean about it being suitable for a limited range of people. But I just find it really interesting whenever I see these adaptations that are big step away from the more common and "clinical" looking adaptations.
There seems to be an overall shift towards providing people with adaptations that look sleek, smart and interesting. Something you'd be kinda proud to show off in your home.
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